Bank cashier stealing 46 thousand pounds to make the body plastic surgery

A bank employee made ​​her dream to become models, stealing 46 thousand pounds from her employer, and then performed a plastic surgery to enlarge breasts, dental intervention, hair extensions and make-up. 24 year old Martin Richael seems that everything has been done properly to correct its appearance becoming really beautiful bugs, but is backwards stealing employer. Richael spent 4 thousand pounds just for the operation of gjijnjeve and 1.700 pounds for whitening teeth and treating their full e. She stole money from Barclays Bank for eight weeks, each time by a thousand or two thousand pounds a week. At the moment when police discovered the girl had spent all the money. It already is beautiful but its beauty will not come up short, and neither will be able to become a model for some time as it is behind bars awaiting sentencing, but it can do one thing with certainty that can compete for this title may miss prison she wins.
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