Ostrog - monastery

When you first find yourself in front of the monastery of Ostrog, your primary thought will be that it is not created by a man; this glorious monastery located above the Bjelopavlic valley, carved in rocks as though keeping century old secrets of this shrine. Metropolitan Vasilije (Saint Basil) founded the monastery of Ostrog in 17th century. The most magnificent part of Ostrog is the Upper monastery. There are two churches: the upper church dedicated to Holy Cross and the lower church in Upper monastery is dedicated to Vavedenje of Holy Mary. People of all religions and nations visit Ostrog. 

Boka - The Bay of Kotor

The Bay of Kotor is one of the most beautiful bays of the world. It consists of four connected straits. High cliffs that surround the bay from all sides reflect in the deep blue waters of the Adriatic Sea. Seven island decorate the Bay of Kotor: Saint Marco (Sveti Marko), the island of Mamula, the island of Our Lady of the Rock (Gospa od Skrpjela), Saint George (Sveti Djordje), the island of Milosrdja, the island of Flowers (Ostrvo cveca), and the smallest island of little Mother of God (Mala Gospa). 

Lovcen - mountain, mausoleum

Mountain of Lovcen rises above the coastal region and is the backdrop of the city of Kotor. This mountainous region plays an important role in the consciousness of Montenegrin people. Lovcen is a symbol of state and national identity. The Mountain of Lovcen is proclaimed a National park that includes the highest and central part of the entire Lovcen massive. The peaks named Stirovnik and Jezerski vrh is where the mausoleum of Petar II Petrovic Njegos, one of the greatest poets, philosophers and statesmen of Montenegro, is located. 

Ada Bojana - coast

Ada Bojana is an artificially created river island. In the 19th century, at his location two smaller islands where located between which a ship called Merito was sunk. Though the years, the wreck of this ship and the two islands nearby, gathered river sediment and created this beautiful island. Ada Bojana has a triangular shape. It is touched from one side by the Adriatic Sea and the other sides by the river Bojana. The beach facing the sea is sandy, 3km long and is a heaven for sailing. On the river banks of Ada Bojana there are many fish restaurants that catch the fish in the old time-honored methods.

Skadarsko jezero - Skadar lake

The Skadar Lake is the largest lake in the Balkans. Its specific beauty is revealed in the rich flora and fauna. The Skadar Lake is an important habitat of water birds. The rare curly pelican is the mark of the National park. Average depth of the Skadar Lake is 6m and, since some parts of the bottom are under sea level, it takes the depth up to 60m. Such places at Skadar Lake are named "oka". The shore of the Skadar Lake is picturesque and abounds in peninsulas and swampy bays. The Skadar Lake hides numerous endemic species of flora and fauna. It is decorated by Goricas, small islands covered by wild pomegranate laurel and ivy. 

Durmitor - mountain

Because of its indescribable beauty and untouched nature, as early as 1952, Durmitor was proclaimed a National park. National park Durmitor spreads from the mountain massive of Durmitor with canyons of the rivers Tara, Susica and Draga to the canyon valley of the river Komarnica. Giant Durmitor abounds in imposing mountaintops and numerous glacier lakes surrounded by rich evergreen forests. Fast and clear rivers gifted Durmitor with magnificent canyons among them the exceptional Tara River canyon as one of the most beautiful in the world. 

Tara - river and canyon

The canyon of the wild and untamed beauty of the Tara River is second largest in the world after the Colorado River canyon. Through centuries this “Tear of Europe” created this artistic masterpiece of priceless value by forging numerous breathless gorges and river paths. Waterfalls and calm parts of the River Tara create a scenery right out of fairy tails. Banks are full with vegetation and special forests of black pine trees that are four-hundred years old. 
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