Camera phones with the best

Nokia 808 PureView
In recent time is not recorded good results with its phones, especially those with the operating system "images", but "Nokia" has always been to invent better camera equipment. Now its phones has improved to a level even higher when it comes to their camera. A few weeks ago, officially introduced the Nokia 808 phone PureView, who owns the camera of 41 megapixels, where there are more pixels than most cameras on the market. Due to the particular technology have achieved that goal so great to put on this phone. The price of this device is around 550 euros.

Samsung Galaxy S3
Warning device for a long time the South Korean giant did not upset anyone. Besides the characteristics of the camera delivers excellent quality. It has eight megapixels, same as the predecessor of this phone, but this phone have improved some things, from which most software. Colors offered are "live" while the whole picture is quite sharp. The best thing of course that this device offers the speed of work and photography, which is very high and makes this phone special. Samsung Galaxy G3 costs about 500 euros.

Excellent phone Taiwanese company is a worthy competitor of other companies when it comes to hardware and software, especially the camera. Like most phones of this generation, this has eight megapixels, but the 'HTC' has developed several software improvements in order to better photography. Possesses the possibility of photographing the "HDR" as the "Burst", so that carries four photos in one second, until the user can freely move the phone. One smart phone HTC X costs 450 euros.

iPhone 4S
Although there are nearly a year that has emerged in the market, iPhone 4S inserted among the best phones in all its components, and thus to the camera. The company "Apple" with this model presented some necessary improvements, which were desperately needed, such as the provision of 73 percent more illumination compared with the previous camera. It also accelerated his way of working, which means that the pictures are better quality, much brighter and cleaner colors. The phone costs about 600 euros.
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