‘Sex’ scribe court date

“Sex and the City” creator Candace Bushnell faces a legal grilling next week over claims she cheated her ex-manager out of profits from the lucrative franchise.
A Manhattan federal magistrate judge refused yesterday to block Bushnell’s scheduled deposition even though her lawyer called Clifford Streit’s lawsuit “utterly frivolous” and “just hogwash.”
Lawyer Victor Bushell insisted that Bushnell hasn’t made a dime off of SATC — which starred Sarah Jessica Parker — since 2009 because she got “screwed” when she cut a deal for the hit HBO series.
“The fact is she got a very, very low profit participation,” he said.Bushell also suggested that Streit is only pursuing the case because he has “some issues” with Bushnell.
Streit alleges that Bushnell owes him at least $150,000 under terms of a 2006 deal to settle an earlier suit he filed against her.
His lawyer, Cristina Massa, declined to comment on Bushell’s assertions.

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